Friday, 11 May 2012


We all know how Joe is the silent one out of the group. Never really speaks up, unless of course it’s about his latest send, which he will boast about for hours. Anyways the point is the only thing he talks about is climbing, and no one really knows what he is truly thinking about this trip in general and more importantly the rivalry between Jess. I started some phrases in which he finished; let’s see what’s inside his pretty little head.

Joe being Tourist Joe
Kalymnos : is  where people go to feed goats and maybe do a little climbing here and there =)
My favorite moment thus far is: Tyler eating shit from erika’s hand
Our landlord Mike:  Might think I’m gay with tyler because tyler either slaps my ass or tries to hold my hand every time he see’s us lol…
The Banana King: Would be me because I threw a banana at tyler’s scooter to try to slow him down…I might of failed on my Mario kart skills…
Daniboy: Is just an endurance fest that I’m trying to send… Hopefully after I send this ill be almost as good as tyler and jess.…
Jess Tarry taught: me how to knee bar. He taped a sock on my knee and we trained for hours on how to knee bar… Worse coach ever… Lol I wish that was true lol.
Sleep in a bed next to Tyler has been: The worst thing ever… He talks in his sleep, he hits me, he steals my pillow/ blanket in the middle of the night, and he just smells… But I feel safe sleeping beside him for some reason? Or maybe ill just said that to make him feel better =)
Mosquitoes watch out: For tyler…
My jobs to help out are: To hang draws and to keep tyler from doing something dumb.
I didn’t like the: way Jess helped Erika in her evil ways…
The approaches are: A bitch….Or is that tyler I’m thinking of? Either one works =)
Erika: is kaka head…
I miss: home for some reason….
My lunches are always: gross… I feed mine to the goats…
Dinners are amazing because: Joe Skopec made them
You know what really grinds my gears: Me not sending…
The only reason Jess Is alive is because of his ninja skills
On a scale of 1 – 10 (10 being the highest), Jess’s annoyance is: 1, but if you ask me about tyler that might be a different answer…

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